When looking at the web conference rooms and the idea of money you can look at it a few different ways.
1. You can see that adding in a web conference room to your every day life will save you money in time not wasted and in not having to use more expencsive choices like phone calls to other countries. This one idea and savings alone truly makes the web conference room worth it.
2. Because most web conference rooms have at least a refferal program or like VereConference an affiliate program that other end of this money tip is how you can take advantage of this and earn money by promoting a web conference room to others. This is a great way to earn more money since you love the tool you use it is easy to share with others and you don't need to sell it all that much since really you are just sahring a tool that helps you and suggest others do too.
3. Another angle arround money and a web conference room is being able to use the web conference room to promote events held in the room. You can have free trainngs and oalso have paid trainings with special passwords for each paying guest. Or provide a free training that has a value attatched to it for value. You can also use the room as a recording studio and offer that recording as a product for sale and make money there too. Or offer past classes as a product on the market too.
4. Another thought arround money and the web conference room is how to pay for it? Where will I get the money to have a paid room? Some answers to this can be to look at what you are doing now and see where cost will be cut by using a web conference room. Are you driving from place to place to meet with others? Meeting them in a web conference room will cut the cost of gass and we all know with todays prices this will be a huge savings and more then enough to get a paid room each month. Or do you tend to meet ovr coffee? Meeting again in a web conference room will cut that cost and you will have the money saved from this to pay for your room. Really if you think about it not having a web conference room is costing you more money lost then it cost for the room itself. You can do so much more in a conference room saving you time, money and energy that will inturn save and make you much more money then it cost each month.
Money arround a web conference room can be seen in many ways and I am sure there are even more I missed. Look at how you can save and earn money with a web conference room and decide how you will do this.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Web Conference Room Tips - Review
Welcome back everyone!
Today I would like to talk about reviewing what you are doing in your web conference room to get an idea on what is working and what is not working for you. When you sit back and take a look at things you can see what you may wish to change a bit. I learned this tip from my personal development and how it is important to sit back an dlook things over every so often. Now do keep in mind some things are still new and going through growing pains so although they seem to not be working yet some will soon as you ad mor eand more energy to them. Still though some of these may need a little tweeking or simple change to improve them so they work better for you and your web conference room visitors.
so are you inviting people and are they arriving? How about your web page they see when entering the web conference room? Perhaps you need to get the calender out there more for others to see? Waht is it you are doing today you should of done in a conference room? Take a look at you, your web conference room, your days activities, etc. what may you do a bit differently to make life better for you and more importantly others? Review all you do and how you do it and see what is working for you and what you may wish to stop doing. Energy is what helps things grow where is your energy going? Waht is it you are growing? Review and see where you might redirect your energy in better ways.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Today I would like to talk about reviewing what you are doing in your web conference room to get an idea on what is working and what is not working for you. When you sit back and take a look at things you can see what you may wish to change a bit. I learned this tip from my personal development and how it is important to sit back an dlook things over every so often. Now do keep in mind some things are still new and going through growing pains so although they seem to not be working yet some will soon as you ad mor eand more energy to them. Still though some of these may need a little tweeking or simple change to improve them so they work better for you and your web conference room visitors.
so are you inviting people and are they arriving? How about your web page they see when entering the web conference room? Perhaps you need to get the calender out there more for others to see? Waht is it you are doing today you should of done in a conference room? Take a look at you, your web conference room, your days activities, etc. what may you do a bit differently to make life better for you and more importantly others? Review all you do and how you do it and see what is working for you and what you may wish to stop doing. Energy is what helps things grow where is your energy going? Waht is it you are growing? Review and see where you might redirect your energy in better ways.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Web Conference Room Tips - Change
Hello All!
I trust you each had a wonderful weekend such as we all did here in our home. Spring is finally peeking its head out and we were sure to get in the yard. How about you?
Spring brings me with todays tip with your web conference room. With all the change of clors and new growth arround here in the pacific north west change is very noticeable right as you step outside. Online there are also changes happening each day. Having a web conference room for some like me is one of those noticeable changes. Have you made this change like suggested by myself and others? This will for sure ad new color and possitive growth to your site and how you communicate with others.
I know for many this is a step out of their confort zone. Not realizing how much easier life will be with a web conference room some will stick with outdated technology such as the phone and conference calls. I encourage those in this spot to step out of their confort zones and at least play with a web conference room in at least their personal life if not also in their business life too. For those that work on themselves with personal development such as I do will know to grow you need to step out of your confort zone. Adding in to a web conference room to how you meet and work with others will be the perfect change we all need to succeed.
Everything in life no matter what it is is changing be it your house, a rock, a lake, flowers in the yard, or you as a person. You can not get away from change you will change one way or another so be proactive and ad in positive changes in your life and business before the other kind of changes take place on their own. You will be glad you made this one little change and soon will find that this new web conference room is part of your confort zone and will then ad more to it to grow even more.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Web Conference Room Tips - Traffic
Todays tip with your web conference room may or may not be one you have thought of. Using your room to do business online will improve your communications with others. You will find you save so much in time, energy and money with adding in a web conference room to how you work with others both personally and professionally. Plus follow some of the tips I have shared and that you learned from others you will see your web conference room will also make you money in a veriety of ways.
One such way though is the room all by itself can help you meet more people since your room has that URL they see right as they enter the room and you have complete control over that URL you can put your web conference room to work for you 24/7. Even while you sleep at night people from other parts of the world can enter your room and view that web page to learn more about what ever you ahve placed on that page.
So now a great plan is to drive traffic to your web conference room to get people into the room who otherwise would not find you. yes this tip is targeted more for those of you using your conference room for business use but even for personal use you can meet some really fun people from all over by driving traffic to your web conference room. You can also drive traffic to your calender after you ahve set up some events to get people into your room. Even old events can drive traffic into your conference room.
How do you drive traffic to any website? Use those such skills and start driving traffic to your web conference room and its colender of events and you will see more and more people wanting to know more about you and/or your businesses. You have the room it is there all day and night may as well put it to work for you.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Personal Development Success.net
One such way though is the room all by itself can help you meet more people since your room has that URL they see right as they enter the room and you have complete control over that URL you can put your web conference room to work for you 24/7. Even while you sleep at night people from other parts of the world can enter your room and view that web page to learn more about what ever you ahve placed on that page.
So now a great plan is to drive traffic to your web conference room to get people into the room who otherwise would not find you. yes this tip is targeted more for those of you using your conference room for business use but even for personal use you can meet some really fun people from all over by driving traffic to your web conference room. You can also drive traffic to your calender after you ahve set up some events to get people into your room. Even old events can drive traffic into your conference room.
How do you drive traffic to any website? Use those such skills and start driving traffic to your web conference room and its colender of events and you will see more and more people wanting to know more about you and/or your businesses. You have the room it is there all day and night may as well put it to work for you.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Personal Development Success.net
Web Conference Room Tips - Easy Button
There is a comercial I have heard for some office supplies where they have an easy button to make it easy to get what you need. This is a great tip and works well too when it comes to your web conference room. I was working on my image the other day so people can meet with me live right from any site I put the link on. Now wehn anyone clicks on that hyperlinked image they are entered directly into my web conference room. No having to enter an username or password. Simply click and wammo they are in the room. Making it easy for others to meet twith you in your web conference room will allow that many more people to do so that who would not other wise be bothered to type in a user name and password. Plus this also removes the misspelled password etc from your guest eliminating troubles getting into your conference room. Most conferencing systems should allow this feature and therefore you need to use this little simple tool to make life easier on your conference room visitors.
Some other tips with this link are...
1. Since you can make it any username you want you can mix it up so you know what image they clicked on to enter into your room. This not only makes it easier on them but also on you.
Example: I can put the username as Shanes Guest and then I know it came from one of my links. Or I can put (website name) guest and then know what site they came from.
2. You can make persoanl invites and have their name already in the username spot so when they click on it it shows them as them once in the web conference room. This invite can now be used anywhere even in emails to bring them right from the email into your conference room.
3. This can even be used for moderators too so they can make it easy to get into the room and support or teach others.
Really this "easy button" can be used in a veriety of ways and you can use your emagination on how you would like to make things better and easier for you and your guest in your web conference room. Plus it makes you look more professional too when they can simply click and enter your state of the art web conference room with out any extra steps.
Play with this one you will find it a great little tool that some over look. Let me know any ways you find that I missed that work well for you.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Personal Development Success.net
Some other tips with this link are...
1. Since you can make it any username you want you can mix it up so you know what image they clicked on to enter into your room. This not only makes it easier on them but also on you.
Example: I can put the username as Shanes Guest and then I know it came from one of my links. Or I can put (website name) guest and then know what site they came from.
2. You can make persoanl invites and have their name already in the username spot so when they click on it it shows them as them once in the web conference room. This invite can now be used anywhere even in emails to bring them right from the email into your conference room.
3. This can even be used for moderators too so they can make it easy to get into the room and support or teach others.
Really this "easy button" can be used in a veriety of ways and you can use your emagination on how you would like to make things better and easier for you and your guest in your web conference room. Plus it makes you look more professional too when they can simply click and enter your state of the art web conference room with out any extra steps.
Play with this one you will find it a great little tool that some over look. Let me know any ways you find that I missed that work well for you.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Personal Development Success.net
Web Conference Room Tips - Taxes
Well after spedning the weekend dealing with tazes to meet the dealine .... I know I know did put it off huh, grin ... even getting money back we still put it off this year ... sheesh.
I wanted to point out though when you use a web conference room to do business you can take some great advantages of the tax write off. Just like many people poromote donating money will help you come tax time a web conference room investment will do the same. Now don't get me wrong don't go get a huge web conference room so you can simply have it to write off as an expense come tax time. but do know since using the conference room to communicate with others do do business either for a work at home single indivisual or for a fortune 500 company it all is an expense that will be shown when you do your taxes. In many cases this will be a helpful tool just like the long distance phone bill use to be.
Be sure to use your web conference room for business use every time you have the chance. Then be sure to have it as an expense when you do next years taxes. You will find it to be just as helpful come tax time as it is for doing business with others.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Personal Development Success.net
I wanted to point out though when you use a web conference room to do business you can take some great advantages of the tax write off. Just like many people poromote donating money will help you come tax time a web conference room investment will do the same. Now don't get me wrong don't go get a huge web conference room so you can simply have it to write off as an expense come tax time. but do know since using the conference room to communicate with others do do business either for a work at home single indivisual or for a fortune 500 company it all is an expense that will be shown when you do your taxes. In many cases this will be a helpful tool just like the long distance phone bill use to be.
Be sure to use your web conference room for business use every time you have the chance. Then be sure to have it as an expense when you do next years taxes. You will find it to be just as helpful come tax time as it is for doing business with others.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Personal Development Success.net
Web Conference Room Tips - Knowledge
While working with others with setting up their web conference rooms and how best that they wiill use the conference room for persoanl and business use. I am finding some feel they need to know it all before they truly use the web conference room. This is a 2 part feeling as well...
1. the first part is they feel they need to know everything about the web conference room before they do anything at all in it. I feel though the best way to learn is to do. so getting a web conference room and learning the basics will get you started. Then as you use the room more and more you will get the knowledge on how you can further grow and use more of the tools an settings provided. You don't need to know everything to be effective in the room. Plus reading blogs liek this one and going to classes in other web conference rooms will help you grow in your won conference room and how you use it. Waiting till you know it all will waste time and practice you can have using your own room will speed things up. Plus really sicne things are always in motion and changing you will never ever know it all about anything. It is like an athleet who is larning something new they are told how, then shown how, then they attempt it, then they do it after several attempts in most cases and then perfect practice makes perfect. Your web conference roo can be the same. I now have told you a lot about it, you can enter my conference room or others to shown some basics and get a demo of the conference room, then you get one and start using it, and then you will do more and more in it. You have all the knowledge you need and will learn more as you go.
2. The second half about this is some think they need to know it all to be able to hold trainings or presentations in the conference room. Again like above you wil learn more and more as you do. Plus as I have learned in my own personal development the best way to learn anything at all is to teach it. Even for personal use of the web conference room you can find ways to share with others using your web conference room and the knowledge you ahve about things. your meetings can be as simple as sharing a great family recipy you have with others. Or tips and tricks on parenting, being a grandma, gardening, etc. It is all up to your emagination you really do have all sorts of knowlege you are just not aware of in many cases. This knowlege donesn't just have to be a business you work at you can train and teach on anything what so ever at all in your web conference room. Than as you get more and more knowlege about your businesses you work with and you have gottin from your web conference room you can ad more and more trainings and classes on more things.
You have the knowlege to get the job going ... as you go the rest will come.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Personal Development Success.net
1. the first part is they feel they need to know everything about the web conference room before they do anything at all in it. I feel though the best way to learn is to do. so getting a web conference room and learning the basics will get you started. Then as you use the room more and more you will get the knowledge on how you can further grow and use more of the tools an settings provided. You don't need to know everything to be effective in the room. Plus reading blogs liek this one and going to classes in other web conference rooms will help you grow in your won conference room and how you use it. Waiting till you know it all will waste time and practice you can have using your own room will speed things up. Plus really sicne things are always in motion and changing you will never ever know it all about anything. It is like an athleet who is larning something new they are told how, then shown how, then they attempt it, then they do it after several attempts in most cases and then perfect practice makes perfect. Your web conference roo can be the same. I now have told you a lot about it, you can enter my conference room or others to shown some basics and get a demo of the conference room, then you get one and start using it, and then you will do more and more in it. You have all the knowledge you need and will learn more as you go.
2. The second half about this is some think they need to know it all to be able to hold trainings or presentations in the conference room. Again like above you wil learn more and more as you do. Plus as I have learned in my own personal development the best way to learn anything at all is to teach it. Even for personal use of the web conference room you can find ways to share with others using your web conference room and the knowledge you ahve about things. your meetings can be as simple as sharing a great family recipy you have with others. Or tips and tricks on parenting, being a grandma, gardening, etc. It is all up to your emagination you really do have all sorts of knowlege you are just not aware of in many cases. This knowlege donesn't just have to be a business you work at you can train and teach on anything what so ever at all in your web conference room. Than as you get more and more knowlege about your businesses you work with and you have gottin from your web conference room you can ad more and more trainings and classes on more things.
You have the knowlege to get the job going ... as you go the rest will come.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Personal Development Success.net
Web Conference Room tips - Personalize
Hello again and welcome back...
Today I will ad more to last nights post on your welcome page for when people enter your web conference room. I feel even if this web conference room is going to be used for business use only you still want to personalize each part of the room to fit you as a person. Yes ad in the business logo down at the end of the conference room. and yes use the title tags and such to make the web conference room ready for business. However do personalize the welcome page and log in page some not only to reflect the business you are working but also to reflect you as a person. This makes it more real and people will take to you faster and better then just a busienss. The human aspect of personalizing your room will make you as the presenter that much more real and more people will listen to what you have to share while in the conference room. Just look at how well My Space is doing. This shows people like people and not just a machine. Think about your web conference room and how even when using it for business use only how you can ad in YOU.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Today I will ad more to last nights post on your welcome page for when people enter your web conference room. I feel even if this web conference room is going to be used for business use only you still want to personalize each part of the room to fit you as a person. Yes ad in the business logo down at the end of the conference room. and yes use the title tags and such to make the web conference room ready for business. However do personalize the welcome page and log in page some not only to reflect the business you are working but also to reflect you as a person. This makes it more real and people will take to you faster and better then just a busienss. The human aspect of personalizing your room will make you as the presenter that much more real and more people will listen to what you have to share while in the conference room. Just look at how well My Space is doing. This shows people like people and not just a machine. Think about your web conference room and how even when using it for business use only how you can ad in YOU.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Web Conference Room Tips - Welcome
Hello Again!
I am ending my day today with this tip on your welcome page as people enter your web conference room. I did post about it a tad before and how you have a few seconds in your login page to make that first impression. Well today I spent some time setting up a page just for my web conference room as people enter my personal room they will get some basic info on me, the conference room, and some of thwaht I do. You see this page is like a comercial for you when you are not in the room. Even when you are asleep at night your conference room can be working for you.
I currently am using my own web conference room in many different ways so I wanted to be sure each person who came in first felt welcome and then had an idea on how I was using the room. I also will ad links on there so as I am not in the room to help them live they still can get answers and also find out more about me and all I do.
I suggest you consider doing so as well. Make a page for your business. Make a page that will advertise for you 24/7. Make a FUN personal page. What ever fits you and how you wish to use the conference room. Since I plan to use it for all I mixed it up some and added a bit about it all. Here is what my page looks like simply for example so you too can get some ideas on how to create your welcome page for your own web conference room.
I did this too by going into several of my friends web conference rooms and checking out what they had in place to welcome me and how cool several of them were. You can be so creative with this. Some had music, some had video's to play, some had awesome pics, and some were fully professional too.
You have complete controll over this page and how it looks and feels. Have FUN with it and let your emagination flow.
Feel free to comment on my Welcome page too if you wish. I love suggestions and as you can see it is a work in progress always ... smiles.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
I am ending my day today with this tip on your welcome page as people enter your web conference room. I did post about it a tad before and how you have a few seconds in your login page to make that first impression. Well today I spent some time setting up a page just for my web conference room as people enter my personal room they will get some basic info on me, the conference room, and some of thwaht I do. You see this page is like a comercial for you when you are not in the room. Even when you are asleep at night your conference room can be working for you.
I currently am using my own web conference room in many different ways so I wanted to be sure each person who came in first felt welcome and then had an idea on how I was using the room. I also will ad links on there so as I am not in the room to help them live they still can get answers and also find out more about me and all I do.
I suggest you consider doing so as well. Make a page for your business. Make a page that will advertise for you 24/7. Make a FUN personal page. What ever fits you and how you wish to use the conference room. Since I plan to use it for all I mixed it up some and added a bit about it all. Here is what my page looks like simply for example so you too can get some ideas on how to create your welcome page for your own web conference room.
I did this too by going into several of my friends web conference rooms and checking out what they had in place to welcome me and how cool several of them were. You can be so creative with this. Some had music, some had video's to play, some had awesome pics, and some were fully professional too.
You have complete controll over this page and how it looks and feels. Have FUN with it and let your emagination flow.
Feel free to comment on my Welcome page too if you wish. I love suggestions and as you can see it is a work in progress always ... smiles.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Web Conference Room Tips - Action
Welcome everyone!
I trust those of you who celebrate easter had a fantastic holiday weekend such as my family and I did. I even heard of some out there who could not get together in person who mett with family and friends in a web conference room and shared pictures and time together. A great use of the web conference room.
Today I would like to talk about taking action. Having a web conference room is all good. Setting up your conference room for personal or business use is great. Visulizing the success of your business with the adition of your new web conference room is even better. All this though is useless if you don't take action and remember to use your web conference rooom where ever it fits in. many are replacing the telephone with a web conference room and finding success with this since they can comunicate so much better this way and also save so much in time, energy and money as pointed out in previous post.
Taking action and putting into place some of the tips I have shared or you have ween in other web conference rooms will get you the success you want. Otherwise if you are not going to take action and use the room when you can I suggest you cancel the room and move on. No need to spend money on a tool you are not going to use.
Since you have this wonderful tool take advantage of it and use it each and every day. Crete the habit just as you would when giving out your phone number ... give them your web conference room instead or along with. Take the action you need to take to use your web conference room more and more and you will see how much life improves.
If you are one of those who's action is to still get a free web conference room and see how effective this tool can be then I suggest there is no better time then NOW and I will make it easy for you by sending you in the direction of VereConference to get going NOW!
Visit VereConference.com to get your free web conference room and get one of the most important tools for your life since the telephone. You will see taking this action and then acting with it will make a difference.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Personal Development Success.net
I trust those of you who celebrate easter had a fantastic holiday weekend such as my family and I did. I even heard of some out there who could not get together in person who mett with family and friends in a web conference room and shared pictures and time together. A great use of the web conference room.
Today I would like to talk about taking action. Having a web conference room is all good. Setting up your conference room for personal or business use is great. Visulizing the success of your business with the adition of your new web conference room is even better. All this though is useless if you don't take action and remember to use your web conference rooom where ever it fits in. many are replacing the telephone with a web conference room and finding success with this since they can comunicate so much better this way and also save so much in time, energy and money as pointed out in previous post.
Taking action and putting into place some of the tips I have shared or you have ween in other web conference rooms will get you the success you want. Otherwise if you are not going to take action and use the room when you can I suggest you cancel the room and move on. No need to spend money on a tool you are not going to use.
Since you have this wonderful tool take advantage of it and use it each and every day. Crete the habit just as you would when giving out your phone number ... give them your web conference room instead or along with. Take the action you need to take to use your web conference room more and more and you will see how much life improves.
If you are one of those who's action is to still get a free web conference room and see how effective this tool can be then I suggest there is no better time then NOW and I will make it easy for you by sending you in the direction of VereConference to get going NOW!
Visit VereConference.com to get your free web conference room and get one of the most important tools for your life since the telephone. You will see taking this action and then acting with it will make a difference.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Personal Development Success.net
Web Conference Room Tips - Freedom
Having a web conference room provides freedom to be able to do business or meet with friends and family you ma may not be able to otherwise. many peoople work from home, or work for a company where they need to meet with people all day long meeting after meeting after meeting. Or some like my grandma just like to talk and visit with anyone who will listen. A web conference room makes this so much easier and faster. You can set up appoitntments back to back with no travel time in between them otehr then to refill your water or coffee cup. Or for like my grandma a web conference room allows for multiple people to visit with at one time. This is freedom for both busienss and personal use.
Another form of freedom a web conference room allows is for people like myself who are limited in hwo they can get arround. for some reason they won't give drivers licences to "blind" people still in this day and age. No biggy though as the Beatles put it, "Yes I am going to be a star. Baby you can drive my car". For now I ahve the web conference room though ad it allows the freedom for me to meet iwith others with out having to drive from place to place. Doing business in a web conference room also opens up the world instead of just limiteding one to their local area. So the freedom to meet with others from all over the world in a web conference room is unlike all other options. Plus with the flat rate cost of the web conference room you are free from super large long distance bills for out of state adn country calls.
So there are many ways a web conference room provides freedom. Freedom with your time, energy, money and more. Think of some ways your web conference room can provide you and your friends and family even more freedom in life. Like me the freedom to do business whe I would otherwise not be able to is life in itself. Or for people like my grandma who just love to talk and talk the freedom to do so in a wev conference room with as many as she wishes is life inhansing too.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Another form of freedom a web conference room allows is for people like myself who are limited in hwo they can get arround. for some reason they won't give drivers licences to "blind" people still in this day and age. No biggy though as the Beatles put it, "Yes I am going to be a star. Baby you can drive my car". For now I ahve the web conference room though ad it allows the freedom for me to meet iwith others with out having to drive from place to place. Doing business in a web conference room also opens up the world instead of just limiteding one to their local area. So the freedom to meet with others from all over the world in a web conference room is unlike all other options. Plus with the flat rate cost of the web conference room you are free from super large long distance bills for out of state adn country calls.
So there are many ways a web conference room provides freedom. Freedom with your time, energy, money and more. Think of some ways your web conference room can provide you and your friends and family even more freedom in life. Like me the freedom to do business whe I would otherwise not be able to is life in itself. Or for people like my grandma who just love to talk and talk the freedom to do so in a wev conference room with as many as she wishes is life inhansing too.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Web Conference Room Tips - First Impression
Hey Everyone!
Todays tips about your web conference room are arround first impressions. You will hear it said several many ways and for a veriety of time from 30 seconds to a few minutes. But everyone who shares about first impressions does have one theme. The theme is you don't have long to amake that first impression and so therefore you want to do what you can to make that first meeting a good one. Now don't worry if you are like me you are not out there to please everyone and you like me also will get other chances to make more impressions.
Still though it is good to be you, be real and be who you want to be when you deal with others. So with this rambling you get the idea you should do what you can to make the first meeting with anyone a great experience.
With your web conference room you now have one of those ways before you even meet with the person at all at least with the VereConference rooms is the log in page they land on to enter your room. Here personalizing the header and footer of the page to suit you and your needs will assist you in the first impression you wish to make. I suggest like I will do to play with this feature and see all that you can do to make this page they see very first before even ever entering your web conference room be the best page you can crete to make that lasting positive impression so they will enter your room and further build a realationship with you.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Personal Development Success.net
Todays tips about your web conference room are arround first impressions. You will hear it said several many ways and for a veriety of time from 30 seconds to a few minutes. But everyone who shares about first impressions does have one theme. The theme is you don't have long to amake that first impression and so therefore you want to do what you can to make that first meeting a good one. Now don't worry if you are like me you are not out there to please everyone and you like me also will get other chances to make more impressions.
Still though it is good to be you, be real and be who you want to be when you deal with others. So with this rambling you get the idea you should do what you can to make the first meeting with anyone a great experience.
With your web conference room you now have one of those ways before you even meet with the person at all at least with the VereConference rooms is the log in page they land on to enter your room. Here personalizing the header and footer of the page to suit you and your needs will assist you in the first impression you wish to make. I suggest like I will do to play with this feature and see all that you can do to make this page they see very first before even ever entering your web conference room be the best page you can crete to make that lasting positive impression so they will enter your room and further build a realationship with you.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Personal Development Success.net
Web Conference Room Tips - Need
I have gottin some questions lately about a web conference room and some people wondering if they really need a web conference room or not. I feel as you can see from past ost that everyone with a web access who ever communicates with anyone does need a web conference room.
The benfits of haveing a web conference room completely out way the cost. One question I had back to each of those people who asked is, "Do you have a cell phone?". You can guess the answer huh? Exactly they don't think twice about a cell phone and the cost involved with it. so pointing out that the web conference room will do so much more then a cell and also at no hidden cost such as per minutes etc.
I would like to ad to this too I feel anyone doing bsuness can not afford not to have a web conference room these days. The time, money, energy, confusion, savings will not only save you so much that can also make you more money then it is costing you per month. Why do people love cell phones so much? Yes because it saves them time and such. When you look at a web conference room you should also see how much time it can save you. Why do people have conference calls? Exactly again to save time and energy getting the info out to several people at one shot. Now ad in this same savings with a live brouser, and white board to more effectively share info and not having to email or have them all go to a web site on their own. Just think of this and how it will not only save all this but can also make you more money by less confusion and more productivity with your communication with others. Haveing a web conference room does not cost you money but will make you more productive and efffective in what you do thus making yo money instead.
Lastly ad in the benifit of a program like vereConference has that will pay you for telling others and again not only does the room save you so much but will also make you a ton by just sharing with others a great tool you love to use.
So really you can not aford not to have a web conference room to do business.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Personal Development Success.net
The benfits of haveing a web conference room completely out way the cost. One question I had back to each of those people who asked is, "Do you have a cell phone?". You can guess the answer huh? Exactly they don't think twice about a cell phone and the cost involved with it. so pointing out that the web conference room will do so much more then a cell and also at no hidden cost such as per minutes etc.
I would like to ad to this too I feel anyone doing bsuness can not afford not to have a web conference room these days. The time, money, energy, confusion, savings will not only save you so much that can also make you more money then it is costing you per month. Why do people love cell phones so much? Yes because it saves them time and such. When you look at a web conference room you should also see how much time it can save you. Why do people have conference calls? Exactly again to save time and energy getting the info out to several people at one shot. Now ad in this same savings with a live brouser, and white board to more effectively share info and not having to email or have them all go to a web site on their own. Just think of this and how it will not only save all this but can also make you more money by less confusion and more productivity with your communication with others. Haveing a web conference room does not cost you money but will make you more productive and efffective in what you do thus making yo money instead.
Lastly ad in the benifit of a program like vereConference has that will pay you for telling others and again not only does the room save you so much but will also make you a ton by just sharing with others a great tool you love to use.
So really you can not aford not to have a web conference room to do business.
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Personal Development Success.net
Web Conference Room Tips - More
Today I am going to borrow an idea I read from Cindy again about web conference rooms. She had a brilliant idea after training in her web conference room and decided to place the MP3 recording of her class into a podcast. This way more people would get to hear what she trained on.
The quality of the recording is high and therefore placing the parts of it is simple to do in a vereity of ways such as Cindy did with her podcast. Taking what she spoke on in her web conference room and placing it elsewhre is a perfect way to do more. This more also gets her a larger reach thus getting the information she teaches on in her conference room out farther and faster to the web world.
How can you do more with what you have done in your web conference room? What are some of the uses you can come up with to spread things out more? Doing more with one recording also will save you a ton of time and energy. Like Cindy she only had to do the class once but now can take that recording or parts of the recording like the MP3 and use them over and over again. You could even take a training or presentation you do in your web conference room and create a product on CD to share or to offer with others.
Again this is one of those web conference room tips that the only limit is your imagination. As usual though remember to have FUN!
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
The quality of the recording is high and therefore placing the parts of it is simple to do in a vereity of ways such as Cindy did with her podcast. Taking what she spoke on in her web conference room and placing it elsewhre is a perfect way to do more. This more also gets her a larger reach thus getting the information she teaches on in her conference room out farther and faster to the web world.
How can you do more with what you have done in your web conference room? What are some of the uses you can come up with to spread things out more? Doing more with one recording also will save you a ton of time and energy. Like Cindy she only had to do the class once but now can take that recording or parts of the recording like the MP3 and use them over and over again. You could even take a training or presentation you do in your web conference room and create a product on CD to share or to offer with others.
Again this is one of those web conference room tips that the only limit is your imagination. As usual though remember to have FUN!
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Web Conference Room Tips - Now
Hey welcome back to this Blog!
I am excited you stopped by to see todays web conference room tip. Todays tip comes from my own personal development journey and is one that will fit into all you ever do. One of the biggest things for success is action. No matter the goal or dream or task action is what will get you there. Taking action no matter how little or big will move you in the right direction.
So today the tip is to be in the NOW and take action. when you think of some one you still would like to invite into your new web conference room. Then do it NOW! Take action and invite them now while you have the thought. Have an idea on how the web page should be when others enter your conference room? Then take action in creating the page for that NOW. There is no better time then the present to get things done and while you ahve it fresh on your head just do it NOW. This way it will get done. Keeping it on your ehad and not doing anything will frustrate you and also cause clutter both in your head and arround you. Do it NOW while you are thinking about and aget it done or at least going. Now at the min at least write down what it is you need to do and schedule it into your day or next day to get it going and or done.
You see if you need to get to Seattle from L.A. and the car is gassed and you know where you are going and witch route to take the simple thing now to do is start the car and get on the road. Sitting there thinking about it more will not get you on your way to Seattle at all. Planning and plannig the trip will not get you there untill you start the car and get it on the road. Your thougths and ideas about your web conference room are the same way. You will not be given a thought you can not accomplish so once you get the idea run with it and get the job done.
Some cases it is as simple as deligating the idea too so keep that in mind as well when you know of something you need done now that can be done by a different person then do feel free to deligate that work. Still though do not put it off do it NOW so that the job does get done.
Jim Rohn shares that, "The biggest killer of success is procrastination". Wen you have the thought or idea about your web conference room ACT on it NOW and don't put it off till tomorrow.
As always have FUN with all this too ... Smiles!
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Personal Development Success.net
I am excited you stopped by to see todays web conference room tip. Todays tip comes from my own personal development journey and is one that will fit into all you ever do. One of the biggest things for success is action. No matter the goal or dream or task action is what will get you there. Taking action no matter how little or big will move you in the right direction.
So today the tip is to be in the NOW and take action. when you think of some one you still would like to invite into your new web conference room. Then do it NOW! Take action and invite them now while you have the thought. Have an idea on how the web page should be when others enter your conference room? Then take action in creating the page for that NOW. There is no better time then the present to get things done and while you ahve it fresh on your head just do it NOW. This way it will get done. Keeping it on your ehad and not doing anything will frustrate you and also cause clutter both in your head and arround you. Do it NOW while you are thinking about and aget it done or at least going. Now at the min at least write down what it is you need to do and schedule it into your day or next day to get it going and or done.
You see if you need to get to Seattle from L.A. and the car is gassed and you know where you are going and witch route to take the simple thing now to do is start the car and get on the road. Sitting there thinking about it more will not get you on your way to Seattle at all. Planning and plannig the trip will not get you there untill you start the car and get it on the road. Your thougths and ideas about your web conference room are the same way. You will not be given a thought you can not accomplish so once you get the idea run with it and get the job done.
Some cases it is as simple as deligating the idea too so keep that in mind as well when you know of something you need done now that can be done by a different person then do feel free to deligate that work. Still though do not put it off do it NOW so that the job does get done.
Jim Rohn shares that, "The biggest killer of success is procrastination". Wen you have the thought or idea about your web conference room ACT on it NOW and don't put it off till tomorrow.
As always have FUN with all this too ... Smiles!
Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto
Personal Development Success.net
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