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Web Conferencing Tips - Video

I was catching up today on some emails and I am noticing a theme or trend today. We know the power of web conferencing systems today and how more and more people are finding out the power of incorperating a web conferencing room into all they do personally or professionally. Another trend I am seeing is video.

Video is moving equally as fast as web conferencing to me. So thinking out loud today my blending my web conference room with a welcome video was a great move. Well i know it was a great move because I made it ... grin ... just kidding but going through emails and such today I am finding that this truly was a valid move and a smart way to blend 2 of the hotest trends online today.

Video along with web conferencing is going to move fast and soon you will see anyone who is someone will be using them to make life better for them and for those they communicate with each day. Like cell phones it will be the norm.

So jump ahead of things and get on boad now while you can. Do your homework find the best for you that fits best and will do what you want it to do. Then run with it before everyone else runs past you.

Remember also, Have FUN with it!

Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto

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