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Web Conference Room Tips - Emotions

I am currently listening to a great book "Your Destiny Switch" by Peggy McColl and getting a lot out of it. It is dealing with emotions and how you can controll them like a dimmer switch for a light. Rather then having your emotions controll you you can use her teachings in this book and the website that goes with it to get yourself out of negative emotions quickly and to create or stay in possitive ones longer.

This book brings you with my tip today about your web conference rooms. With a web conference room you can create an image that is you or your company depending how you wish to come across. so adding in emotional things such as music, pictures, and personal classes you will find you can use emotions in your web conference room to assist you in getting the point to your visitors. Wether you are not in the room you can do this with your URL they see as they log into the conference room. Or as a part of the class you can find ways to use your emotions to get the results you want. T

The human aspect of the web conference room and being able to share or create different emotions within a room is like past post entirely up to you and your emagination. So what is it you use your room for? How can you ad in emotions to make your room and you more effective?

Have FUN with this one you can do all sorts of things and really personalize your web conference room and your presentations.

Expect Miracles...
Shane Belceto

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